Enhancing Your Curb Appeal This Fall

Your curb appeal is the first thing you and others see when they pull home to your home. Professionals in the industry say there are small DIY projects that can really make a big impact on your curb appeal this fall.

1. Introduce Fall Color

One of the things everyone enjoys during the fall season is the trees changing colors. The fall months bring cooler temperatures which can kill off your beautiful flowers. Try adding some seasonal plants to your yard to keep the variety and color.

“My favorite way to increase curb appeal during fall is by incorporating seasonal plants and flowers. This not only adds a pop of color to your front yard but also creates a warm and welcoming atmosphere,” says designer, David Mason.

2. Seasonal Decor

Celebrate the fall with seasonal decor. A nice fall wreath and some pumpkins around your front door will give your home that inviting touch. If you are not into pumpkins, then use an ornamental cabbage or mums.

“Embrace the spirit of fall by incorporating seasonal decor elements,” suggests professional landscaper and founder of The Plant Bible, Zahid Adnan. “Displaying pumpkins, hay bales, and cornstalks around your entrance or garden area can instantly evoke the cozy ambiance of fall and grab attention,” he suggests.

3. Lighting

Lighting in an outdoor space can transform it into a cozy nice area. When the sun goes down, the outside of your home can still glow with a welcoming feel with warm lights on your porch. You can also string lights around your porch or use solar-paneled stakes bordering your yard.

4. Keep It Tidy

A nice yard with good curb appeal is based a lot on how tidy the area looks. During the fall this is especially important because of all the leaves falling off of the trees.

“Regular maintenance is key to maintaining curb appeal. Keep your garden well-maintained by raking leaves, trimming bushes, and cleaning up debris. A tidy front yard landscape not only looks aesthetically pleasing but also signals that your property is well-cared for,” says Zahid Adnan of The Plant Bible.

5. Lawn Maintenance

The last tip is to keep your lawn looking healthy and fresh during the colder seasons. During the fall and winter months, you will need to keep your lawn fertilized.

“Keep up with regular lawn care, including mowing and raking leaves, to maintain a tidy appearance. Your curb appeal will instantly be up,” says The Home Guidance blog, Mohammed Ahmed.

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How to Install a Home Generator

Installing a generator can be a lengthy process and you want to make sure you do every step correctly. Here are three steps you must follow when installing a generator. They will assist you with selecting an area for your generator as well as making sure you are up to code with all the local requirements. They will help you make the best choice of the area that is optimal to meet safety and personal requirements.  


“I’ve encountered quite a few customers who are unaware of the maintenance needed for their new generator. It was overlooked during the proposals, or sometimes just not even though or,” says Philip Olsen of Pipworks Services. Make sure to review your new generator’s owner’s manual which will give instructions on how to care and maintain your generator. It will most of the time include the engine where you will need to replace the oil and check the filters at least once a year. This can be complex so hiring a pro might be the best way to go.

Like anything else, you want to do your research to make sure you get the right generator for your home. A home standby generator usually can be fueled by natural-gas or liquid propane. Also, check the instructions for the generator you would like to purchase and make sure you know the exact distance it must be installed from the house. Some require up to five feet or more from the house, while some only require an 18-inch distance.

You will also want to research the amount of power you will need to keep your home up and running while the power is out. For the average home, a 20kW standby generator is enough. If you have a larger home or have tons of appliances, then you might want one a little stronger. You can choose one that goes all the way up to 150kW.


A standby generator will use an automatic transfer switch (ATS) to detect when there is an interruption in the power to your home. The true key is to get the generator to pop on and provide a certain voltage and frequency to your home so it will not damage the circuitry. To install you will need a professional who will help plan how your setup will be configured.

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Four Tips To Follow in September When It Comes to Your Lawn

This time of year is the perfect time for your lawn because it is not scorching hot. Even though the weather is perfect for the grass, you still have to keep it up. The month of September is the perfect month to make sure your lawn will stay healthy through the cold winter months.

“By taking these steps, you set your lawn up for success during the dormant winter months and into the spring growing season,” says Bryan Clayton, CEO of GreenPal.

1. Aerate The Soil

September is the perfect time to prepare your lawn before it gets too cold. You should do this by aerating the soil. This means letting the soil breathe. “Compacted soil is like traffic on a freeway – it stops everything from moving,” explains Bryan. A common way you can aerate your soil is by poking holes into your lawn with a spading fork.

2. Overseeding

This can go hand and hand with aerating your lawn, so you will want to follow up with this step. This will maximize the health of your lawn. “Simply put, aerating is great, but without overseeding, you’re only doing half the job. Overseeding is essentially throwing a seed party for your lawn, it can help to fill in gaps and build a thicker, more resilient turf,” instructs Bryan.

3. Fertilize

During the hot scorching summer is not the time to get out and fertilize your yard. “Your lawn needs essential nutrients to prepare for the winter and grow back strong in the spring. Although he warns of being responsive to your environment, if the weather is still particularly hot, avoid using chemical fertilizers as this could damage your lawn,” adds Bryan.

4. Mulch
“Adding mulch to flower beds and around trees helps retain moisture, enriches soil, and prevents weeds. It also acts as a protective layer against the cold in the winter months,” explains Bryan. Mulch will give your lawn extra nutrients that will help it to grow thick and healthy. The decomposing mulch will give off nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.

Remember that each lawn will need its own special care. “Every lawn is different, and conditions like your local climate and soil type can influence the best practices for your specific situation,” says Bryan.

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Certain Home Investments Will Save Homeowner’s Money

Small investments can make a difference in the long run as well as some big ones. There are incentives out there if you go green under the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. Here are some home investments that will help save you money in the long run.

Warm up to the Idea of a Heat Pump

A heat pump will move heat from one place to another so therefore it uses less energy. A heat pump will also keep your home warmer than a conventional electric or gas system. This is one of the systems that you can get a tax credit on with the Inflation Reduction Act.

The Inflation Reduction Act gives tax credits and point-of-sales rebates. So if you get a high-efficiency HVAC, you could end up saving thousands of dollars. You can get a tax credit of up to 30% of the cost of the heat pump and up to $2,000 back for installation. A new point-of-sale rebate can give you up to 150% of the area you live in median income. It does have a $14.000 cap and only applies to heat pumps, heat pump water heaters and heat pump clothes dryers.

Get New Windows and Doors

If you have good insulated windows and doors, you will keep the heat in during the winter and the cold in during the summer. This will allow your heating and cooling systems to take a bit of a break.

The tax incentives that apply to this is great also. You can earn an energy tax credit of 30% of the cost of new windows (with a cap of $600). For doors, it is a tax credit of $250 per door for up to two doors.

Insulate Your Attic

If you have a drafty home, this could be because you have poor insulation in your attic. Insulating your attic can cut down on your heating and cooling bills. This can be solved by insulating the upper trusses which puts a barrier that will help the air that enters or escapes through the vents.

Get Smart

Smart thermostats can save you money big time. They will turn your heat and a/c on and off to maintain a certain temperature. They are perfect because you do not have to sacrifice your comfort in order to save on your heating/cooling bill. If you are at work M-F, you can set your temp a little higher in the summer and cooler in the winter. It can also be controlled by your smartphone.

Go Tankless

The last tip is to get rid of your hot water heater and replace it. Energy.gov reports that a home that uses 41 gallons or less of hot water per day, can save up to 34% in energy consumption if they go tankless. Tankless hot water heaters will provide hot water on a needed basis. This way there is no standby energy that is lost like in traditional hot water heaters.

Remember making repairs or replacing old systems is a good step in the right direction of energy savings and money savings. There are tons of incentives out there so now is the time to start the projects!

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The 2-Step Rule to Buying a Home

Purchasing a home is a big step in anyone’s life, especially a first time homebuyer. The high mortgage rates and the up and down housing market is not helping. Rachel Cruze, a personal finance expert says the two-step rule is what you need to use to be a successful home buyer.

She says the first step is to get rid of all of your debt. Once this is accomplished, you need to have a savings built up of up to three to six months in case of an emergency.

“My husband and I followed the formula. I know that’s really hard for a lot of people because of student loans, and the obvious debt that the average American racks up. But when you have no debts and your income is all yours….it puts you in a completely different spot financially,” says Cruze.

It can be a challenge to get out of debt and then build an emergency fund on top of that. This can take time, but it still needs to be done before you decide to buy a home. Most Americans have some sort of debt, in fact, 35% have credit card debt according to a Bankrate survey done in January 2023. A whopping 43.5 million have federal student loans and 51% say they have not purchased a home due to their student debt.

A trick to accomplish this is called cash sfuffing which means you spend only money that you have in cash. “That means you start your budget with whatever your paycheck number is, and you give every dollar a place to go, down to zero,” explains Jasmine Taylor who used the strategy to pay off debt.

Many who are in the market to purchase a home, have enough of a struggle in saving for the down payment. According to the National Association of Realtors, 29% of first-time homebuyers say saving for the downpayment is the most challenging part of the homebuying process.

“When you own a home, you know very quickly that it’s really expensive,” says Cruze. “It’s everything from washers and dryers to heating and air. I mean, we had two ice machines that went out….. We got the bill and I was like, What? For an ice machine? That’s how much it costs?”

“It takes a level of maturity just to look at the facts and say, OK, regardless of how I feel, regardless of how frustrated and annoyed I am, here is where we are financially and here are the numbers that have to work for us. It may not be the home that you could have gotten four years ago, but this is the home you can have today,” says Cruze.

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