A New Pizza Joint in Algiers

Tavolino, which closed its doors in Algiers, will become a new pizzeria. The new pizzeria is called Nighthawk Napoletana and soon will be ready to have its first customers this September.

Nighthawk Napoletana will be run by the co-owner of Ancora, Adrian Chelette. He has partnered with Brett Jones and Bryson Aust co-owners of Barracuda Taco Stand. It will serve  Neapolitan-style pizza, distinguished by a blistered, puffy, well-risen crust cooked in a wood-fired oven, and a stretchy, pull-apart texture.

“We’re going to give this building a lot of love, and hopefully fill it with the neighbors and give people another reason to get on the ferry and come over to Algiers,” said Chelette.

All three partners feel that the West Bank needs a good pizza joint. In fact, it is in Aust and Chelette’s own backyard so to speak as they live close by. The draw is that the restaurant will be family-friendly, approachable and affordable.

“They’re coming in with tons of enthusiasm and energy and passion for pizza,” Wine & Dine Co-founder Suzanne Accorsi said.

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